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Dinner mit Marlene

Spiel/Gesang       : Barbara Tellenbach 
Spiel/Piano          : Jonas Furrer
Regie                   : Markus Buehlmann

Fotos                   : Marianne Hügli

Idee und Konzept: Barbara Tellenbach

eine Produktion von Edelschwiiz (2022)

Trailer Vetterli's Wirtschaft, 2020

Alpentheater, Kiental

Sjoukje Benedictus

Composition&Piano: Jonas Furrer


Trailer Mini Wohnig

Accapella-Gruppe Mundarte


Trailer ToGetHer(2018)

Project by Nora Werren (Eolienne danse Bern)

Tramdepot Burgernziel Bern


Trailer Danse 2.0 (2019)

Geraldine Kläy Dunkel und Serge Kottelat

Delémont/Berne 2019


Trailer Spuren, 2016

Mirijam Sutter-Barakar und Elena Morena Weber


Solomaterial aus:

'Dem Himmel zu nah'  2014

by Annina Furrer

Production: REC TV Bern

editing: Jonas Furrer


Partnering video with Pamela Monreale, produced as part of the documentary film 'Dem Himmel zu nah' by Annina Furrer

Camera: Peter Guyer

Production: REC TV Bern

editing: Jonas Furrer


Cacilia, educational Piece with live Organ music

Marieke Koopman: Concept, dance 

Ton Koopman: Organ and acting

Jonas Furrer: Dance and acting

Hans Thissen: stage directions and advice


XY Purcell:

Collaboration choreography by Jonas Furrer, Wiktoria Czakon and Giaccomo della Marina

Choreograpic supervision and advice:  Jack Timmermans

Produced by company De Stilte


De Kamer van de twee gezusters:

Lonneke van Leth: Choreography and dance

Jonas Furrer: music composition and production


Einstein Le Spectacle

Compagnie Boll et Roche


Les Repetitions - Trailer 2016

Einstein le spectacle:

Stéphanie Boll : Choreography 

Alain Roche:  composition and piano

Dancers and actors: Armando di Santo,  Joanie Ecuyer, Jonas Furrer, Valentin Quitman, Basile Hecquet, Coline Ladetto

Musicians: Fred Buerki, Alain Roche, Thierry Roque


Trailer, PARADE

Fabian Chiquet


Trailer, PARADE 

Fabian Chiquet


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© photo by Céline Stucki

© 2022 Jonas Furrer, catchproductions


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